Welcome to graduate studies at VCU

Dr. Manu Gupta, Ph.D.
Vice Provost and Dean
VCU Graduate School


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Graduate School

The VCU Graduate School provides support to graduate programs, faculty and staff, and students. We collaborate with your academic unit and other central offices here at VCU to support your success as a graduate student. We host events for current and future students, organize awards and competitions, offer opportunities for professional development and career readiness, and collaborate with partners across the university to best serve our graduate student community.

Our graduate students come from all walks of life and all areas of the globe to continue their education. We believe that our best work happens when we learn from and with one another, and we strive to make cross-disciplinary connections that strengthen and enrich the student experience.

To stay up-to-date on the latest information regarding graduate education at VCU, visit our website, graduate.vcu.edu